Masterson Staffing Solutions

Job Seeker Tips: 13 Ways to Get Your LinkedIn Profile Noticed

October 6th, 2016 Written by: Molly Masterson

As the largest professional network in the world, LinkedIn could be the gateway to your next career move — with a whopping 94% of recruiters using the platform to vet candidates. But if your profile isn’t up to par, that new career opportunity may pass you by.

Here are 13 job seeker tips for building a LinkedIn profile that will showcase your talent and experience, positioning you as an attractive candidate.

1. Upload a professional, high-quality profile photo.

Humans are visual creatures. Adding a photo to your LinkedIn profile allows people to put a face with the name. Not convinced that a photo is a must-have? Consider this: According to LinkedIn, profiles with photos get 14 times more clicks than those without.

Be sure to use a professional and high-resolution photo that follows these LinkedIn best practices:

  • Formatted as JPG, GIF or PNG
  • Maximum file size of 10MB
  • Pixel size for your photo is 400 x 400. (If width or height exceeds 20,000 pixels, your photo will not upload at all.)

2. Write a catchy headline.

Your headline will appear directly under your name, providing you with an opportunity to sell yourself. Include what you do and what value you can provide to an organization.

Linkedin Headline Optimization from Masterson Staffing

Below are a few examples that can provide you with inspiration:

  • Experienced Marketing & Development Manager looking for new opportunities
  • Contact Center Specialist delivering exceptional customer service
  • Administrative Assistant that can offer technical support | 15+ years of experience

3. Use keywords.

With LinkedIn’s search capabilities, using keywords will help your profile come up in other members’ searches.

From your headline, to your summary, to detailing your work experience, use keywords such as job titles, computer programs or other skills that are relevant. For example, if you work in data entry, keywords to include might be: data entry specialist, Microsoft Office Suite, CRM, etc.

4. Add the industry you work in.

Including an industry can get you 15 times more profile views, according to LinkedIn. Select the option that best represents the industry you’re currently working in to make sure you’re sending the right signals.

5. Add videos, images and presentations.

Adding interactive content such as images, presentations, or videos to your profile allows you to visually showcase your experience and accomplishments.

Linkedin Profile Optimization from Masterson Staffing

To add this content, select the appropriate media type from the options listed under your summary, education and each work experience entry, and start uploading.

Add media to your Linkedin profile

6. Be specific with your professional experience.

Work experience is the most important part of your LinkedIn Profile. Make sure that as you document your work history, you include:

  • Job title
  • Daily responsibilities
  • Accomplishments and awards
  • Results that have benefited the company
  • Certifications

7. Prioritize your skills to show your biggest strengths.

The skills section of your profile allows you to easily showcase areas of expertise. Put the skills that are the most relevant to the industry you’re looking to work in the top 10 spots.

Oftentimes, this means putting the skills with the most endorsements first, but if there is a skill that you want to be known for, definitely include it.

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8. Join groups and be active.

Groups can be a great way to interact with other people, gain connections and increase profile views. LinkedIn says that people who join groups, and are active in those groups, get 5 times the profile views.

For example, if you’re an IT professional search for “information technology” in the search box at the top of your profile and then select “Groups” from the filter options on the left-hand side of the screen.

Join LinkedIn Groups to Optimize your Profile

9. Share volunteering info.

According to LinkedIn, 42% of the hiring managers they surveyed said they viewed volunteer experience as equivalent to formal work experience.

Volunteer experience showcases your character, interests and other skills that may not have made the cut in the work history section. Include as much information as possible about your involvement, responsibilities and the skills you learned throughout your volunteer experience.

10. Be specific about education.

According to LinkedIn, those who document their education receive an average of 10 times more views than those without. Don’t just list the institution. Include areas of study and any activities you participated in while attending.

11. Ask for recommendations.

Recommendations seriously enhance your profile. Who better to describe what you are like to work with and the value you can bring to a company than co-workers, managers and/or employees?

Reach out to former supervisors or coworkers and ask for them to give you a recommendation. Aim for at least three recommendations as you start to build out your profile.

12. Publish on LinkedIn Pulse.

LinkedIn offers you the ability to create and publish your own content through its publishing platform LinkedIn Pulse.

Publishing on LinkedIn Pulse is a great way to showcase your knowledge. Get started by choosing a subject (i.e. customer service) where you have the most expertise and write something that is focused on a particular topic (i.e. tips for handling tough customer service issues).

Use a catchy headline, high-quality images and keywords, and aim for between 300-600 words.

13. Remember that this isn’t your resume.

Generally, resumes are tailored to a specific job and therefore edited based on the known requirements. LinkedIn provides a place to display your full work history. The more information you provide, the better you can position yourself as a solid candidate.

Your next career opportunity could become a reality. Try implementing each of these tips over the next 3-4 weeks, and watch your LinkedIn profile views increase!

10 Tips for the Perfect LinkedIn Profile from LinkedIn

If you’re looking for help in finding your next career move, connect with Masterson Staffing and explore current job openings.

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