Masterson Staffing Solutions

Showcasing Your Hobbies and Soft Skills on Your Job Resume

May 8th, 2023 Written by: Masterson Staffing Solutions

Regarding job applications, we all know that a resume is crucial to landing the job of your dreams. While education and work experience are significant considerations in a recruiter’s eyes, many applicants overlook the value of their hobbies and soft skills. You can earn extra points with a prospective employer by highlighting these areas on your resume. Continue reading to learn how to incorporate your hobbies and soft skills into a resume.

Start with a Skills Section

Begin with a skills section listing technical and soft skills relevant to the job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills you excel at, and include all skills that make you a worthy candidate for the job. Be sure to mention time management, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills. These soft skills can complement your technical skills and help distinguish you from other candidates.

Incorporate Hobbies that Exhibit Transferable Skills

Include your hobbies in a separate section of your resume to show off your personality and character. Keep in mind that not all hobbies are worth mentioning on a resume. Stick to those that demonstrate transferable skills that can benefit the company. For instance, if you love volunteering, it can indicate that you are a philanthropic and selfless person, qualities that can reflect positively on your job application. Incidentally, the experience you’ve gained from volunteering can showcase your organizational and problem-solving skills.

Showcase Relevant Leadership Experience

Many hobbies provide excellent opportunities to demonstrate your leadership skills. For example, supervising a team for a student organization or coaching a recreational sports team is an example of leadership experience that you can highlight on your resume. These hobbies show that you can lead others and motivate them to achieve shared goals.

Highlight Any Awards and Accomplishments

Whether it’s a community service recognition or a sports award, any awards or accomplishments you’ve received can reflect positively on your resume. By highlighting these achievements, you demonstrate that you have a range of non-work related interests and are passionate about excelling in various areas of your life. You can even mention the qualities that earned you these recognitions, such as dedication and teamwork.

Write a Compelling Resume Summary

Your resume summary should be a short, compelling statement that highlights your unique qualities to recruiters. Mentioning your hobbies and soft skills can make your summary memorable and set you apart from other applicants. For example, highlight your excellent communication skills, your love of public speaking, your outstanding problem-solving skills, and your ability to approach problems creatively.


Employers are always keen to identify the “soft skills” potential employees bring to the workplace. You gain the upper hand over other applicants by focusing on how you can use your hobbies to showcase these skills on your resume. So, just be creative and strategic in presenting your skills and hobbies in alignment with the job you’re seeking. Following these tips will help you incorporate your unique skills and hobbies into your resume, increasing your chances of finding your ideal job.

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